25 January, 2010

On the PlayStation 3

So, it would appear that the PS3 has finally been hacked. It only took about three and a half years. :P I have to say, the prospect excites me. I'm sure I won't be pirating too many games in the near future (you'd probably be looking at a straight day of downloading minimum), but the thought of finally being able to have some decent homebrew (media players, a better web browser, emulators, etc...) is very exciting.

Anyway, check it out:
On the PlayStation 3

On another note, I'm considering dropping the "Well, at least I'm not..." theme. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I got some good posts out of it, but lately it's been getting harder and harder to come up with titles that fit the mold (let alone entire posts.) Not sure if/what I'd rename it, but if anyone has any thoughts on dropping the theme or renaming feel free to comment.


Junket said...

Someone actually pulled my blog up via the Playstation a few times. Really? From a Playstation? I had no idea it could do such things. However, it made me want to make a video game out of my life.

Ann said...

Meh, keep the name, leave the theme. Write whatever you want. I don't write about Ghostbusters stuff all the time. :)