So, I don't work. I haven't since I got bent over by the economy. It's not like I was making a crapload of money anyway. But now I'm not making any. "What do you do, then?" you might ask. I live in my parents basement and watch my son, while my wife goes to work.
Her job is pretty much golden, as is has to do with old-folks homes, aka long term care facilities. She helps get things done when the customers (ie the homes) need them done. You might call her a facilitator. Or, less possible-espionage-implying yet meaning exactly the same thing, an account representative. Her industry is anticipating something called the "Silver Wave".
See, for all you youngin's out there, there are these people called baby-boomers. They are the people that were born in the aftermath of WWII, when all the wives were really, really happy that their husbands came home alive. I guess this joy that wives were feeling lasted far longer than any joy I have ever experienced, as Boomers are, at least by the US Census Bureau, anyone born between '46 and '64. That's an awful long time to be happy about something.
Anyway, the baby boomers are getting older. The first ones (63 years old by my count) are starting to enter long term care. As more of these Boomers enter homes, there's going to be a serious increase in the number of people in homes. This is the Silver Wave. Thus, my wife's job is safe.
So, I don't work. I thought, as I've managed to get a whopping 3 interviews since February, that I'd try another route. I'll give blogging a shot. I make no promises about the quality, the entertainment value, or the regularity of this blog. But I'd like to think I can talk about a wide variety of things for length enough to fill a blog post. So come back.
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