04 November, 2009

...out of ideas yet.

Ok, while I'm not yet out of ideas, I'd like to throw this out there before that happens.  I generally browse around teh intarwebs looking for things that I'm happy to not be a part of.  As it turns out, there seems to be a lot of those things.  What's important is that I find things I can actually write a post about.  For a counter example, well, at least I'm not dead.  Sure, I'm glad I'm not dead, but I can't really fill up a whole post about not being dead. 

So I figure there's probably a number of things you guys are happy to not be a part of that I've not yet thought of.  If there is, leave me a post here and maybe I'll use it (with credit to you, of course :).  Hell, if I use your idea and you have a blog of your own, I'll even be sure to link to it from my post.  So lets get those think machines goin'. 

Another thought I had was if there would be any interest in hearing (reading) my thoughts as they happen while I watch certain movies.  I figured I'll give it a shot later today or tomorrow with GI Joe, which I've heard is pretty horrible.  We'll see how that one goes.  If you can think of any movies that are either really good or pretty horrible that you'd like to hear my thoughts on while I watch it, you can post those, too. 

Look forward to hearing your ideas!  Now I'm gonna go watch last night's series premier of V.  It looks pretty good, and it stars Elizabeth Mitchell, who you may remember as Juliet from LOST.  Juliet has quickly become one of my favorite characters on LOST, mainly due to her stellar performances in the last two seasons. 

Anyway, off to watch some fancy moving pictures.

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