04 December, 2009

...in a flying house.

First off, I've decided, as I've really only been posting once or twice a week lately, to try to do more frequent smaller posts.  There will probably be more music posts, as I love sharing music with people.

I'm running out of free time, see.  Being unemployed with no good prospects after ten months, I've decided that maybe I should try to start something up on my own.  I have some web design experience, so that's the direction I'm going.  I'm throwing together a website at the moment, as convincing others to pay me real money to design one for them would benefit greatly from having one of my own.  This has been taking up a considerable amount of my time, and I hope to have it up soon.  I'll link to it from here, of course.  Wish me luck.

I put in UP from Disney Pixar this morning, having never seen it before.  I figured my kid likes balloons and dogs, and from what I could tell from the trailers, that was essentially what the movie was about.  I come away from the experience with only one thing to say: If you have not yet watched this masterpiece of a film, go buy it right now and take the rest of the day off of work to watch it.  Not only is it far funnier than I expected, but surprisingly (for American-made animation), it made me tear up a bit. Watching Carl and his wife go through their lives (both ups and downs), silent but for a beautiful piece by composer Michael Giacchino, was quite easily the best part of the movie, but the entire thing is brilliantly put together.


Junket said...

I'm definitely sending you good luck vibes and you are the 82nd person to tell me to watch this movie so I'm going to put it on my to-do list this weekend.

Boxcar said...

Thanks for the vibes, I'll take all I can get. :) And so far as the movie: I seriously had zero desire to see it from the trailers. I'm used to being able to guess pretty well from trailers whether I'll like a movie or not, and this one just took that notion and had its way with it. :P

Penelope said...

I like this post :)

Ann said...

The silent montage made me cry. Beautifully done. Good luck on your web endeavor thing!