24 October, 2009

...Peter Sars... wait, this is awesome!

I've decided I should try to have some regular weekly post kind of things.  Thereby, I introduce my weekly this is awesome post.

I don't know how much more awesome this could be, and I'm not sure how much better this could have been cast, but we've finally got a promotional still from the A-Team movie!

From left to right you're looking at Bradly Cooper as Templeton Peck aka Faceman, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson as B.A. Baracus, Sharlto Copley as "Howling Mad" Murdock, and Liam Neeson as John "Hannibal" Smith.

As it turns out, Congress is currently working on a bill that will actually disallow you from not loving this movie.  It's just going to be that awesome.

Thanks to Movie Line (http://www.movieline.com/2009/10/buzz-break-10-23.php)


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic site and this movie will be the best action movie of the year. The writes/producers who thought up the Starsky & Hutch movie should be the first victims of the A-Team wrath.

After this movie hits theaters, I expect to see a Magnum P.I. or Alf movie next. America is such a great country!

Boxcar said...

Lol thanks for the awesome compliments! And there had better damned well be an Alf movie!